
With Pomatillo, planning and tracking your projects has never been easier.

Utilizing a work method that alternates timed, uninterrupted work segments with timed breaks can boost productivity. Pomatillo makes this simple to manage.

Pomatillo was originally a project for Rails Rumble, a 48 hour hackathon. My wife and I created Pomatillo for the project to solve a need that we have. We are continually adding new features and it is 100% free!

Try Pomatillo today!


Using Pomatillo, you can easily create and track your projects and tasks. The built in timer will help you set a 25 minute work timer. Once your Pom is finished, we will automatically track your Pom count.

Pomatillo project planning page

You can also utilize our awesome reporting page to see how many poms you completed each day over the last week. You even have the ability to see which projects you have worked on the most of the last day and week.

Pomatillo reports page

Try Pomatillo today for free!